New York, Vote NO on Proposal 1

Stop the Parent Replacement Act

Prop 1 will end Girls’ Sports and Women’s Safe Spaces

And Much, Much more

Flip your ballot over and Vote “NO”


New Yorkers must vote NO to stop Proposal 1 (Prop 1). Prop 1 is a direct threat to parents’ ability to raise our children, or even know what is being done to our children.  

Proposal 1 is a stealth strategy to allow the New York Courts to create entire new realms of new law and rewrite many existing laws without any interference from you or our elected representatives. 

The language of Prop 1 is deliberately vague and undefined. Proposal 1 will open the door to a whole range of radical new court decisions to put in place policies much desired by Prop 1 supporters but who have been unable to get bills through the legislative process. 

This new vague language will create a flood of lawsuits that give the courts the power to overturn or re-interpret many longstanding laws that were passed through the democratic process, not politically appointed judges' decisions. 

The authors of Prop 1, Assemblymember Rebecca Seawright (D-East Midtown) and State Senator Liz Krueger (D-East Midtown) when asked what Prop 1 will do, say that it will all be determined by the Courts.  The final judge of all legal disputes in New York is the Court of Appeals, where every judge was appointed by either Governor Andrew Cuomo or Governor Kathy Hochul.

Proposal 1 rewrites the New York State Constitution by adding the following language in underlined, italic and in bold:

§ 11. a. No person shall be denied the equal protection of the laws of this state or any subdivision thereof. No person shall, because of race, color, ethnicity,  national origin, age, disability, creed [or], religion, or sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy,  pregnancy outcomes, and reproductive healthcare and autonomy, be subjected to any discrimination in [his or her] their civil rights by any other person or by any firm, corporation, or institution, or by the state or any agency or subdivision of the state, pursuant to law.

b. Nothing in this section shall invalidate or prevent the adoption of any law, regulation, program, or practice that is designed to prevent or dismantle discrimination on the basis of a characteristic listed in this section,  nor shall any characteristic listed in this section be interpreted to interfere with, limit, or deny the civil rights of any  person based upon any other characteristic identified in this section.


Proposal 1 is unnecessary. The New York State Human Rights Law already prohibits discrimination based on race, color, creed, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability and marital status. As a law, it can be changed by the legislative process, the intention of Prop1 is to take these decisions out of the Democratic process and give the power to unelected judges.

Parent’s Rights will be assaulted, Under Prop 1 any distinction in law based on “age” could become illegal discrimination.  Courts would be empowered to allow medical procedures and products, including life-altering, irreversible medical procedures, to be performed on minors without parental consent. This effectively removes parents from crucial decision-making about their children's health and well-being.

Children with Autism will be especially vulnerable, Currently 40% of all minors receiving medical procedures intend to alter their appearance to that of the opposite sex also have a diagnosis of ASD. New York Schools already have claimed the authority to change children’s names and pronouns, and tell children that the healthy bodies they were born with are fundamentally flawed, without parents’ knowledge or consent.  What will passage of Prop 1 allow?

Girls’ and Women’s sports will end, Prop 1 could also allow the Courts to mandate that schools allow biological males to compete in girls' sports, which undermines fair competition, opportunities, and safety for female athletes​.

Girls’ and Women’s Safe spaces will end, Restrooms, locker rooms, sleeping quarters at camps, dormitories, abused women’s shelters, single sex schools and colleges will be held discriminatory.

Age of Consent and statutory rape could be changed to any age by the courts. The age of consent in New York is currently 18. But powerful forces are seeking to lower that age to allow adults greater access to children for sexual purposes. 

Religious organizations could be sued for teaching and practicing their beliefs, The NY Human Rights Law includes an exemption for religious institutions to allow “taking such action as is calculated by such organization to promote the religious principles for which it is established or maintained.” Sec 296, 11.

No such exemption is included in the language proposed by Prop 1. The Constitution trumps statutes, so we may fully expect to see litigation challenging religious organizations’ right to hold beliefs about human sexuality, marriage, family, or anything else, that differs from whatever the courts will determine in the future. 

Medical professionals could be forced to perform acts they believe are immoral. Current NY law allows medical professionals to refuse to perform medical procedures they find objectionable on religious grounds. Clearly, those rights would be challenged in Prop 1 passes.

Our elites cannot define “sex” or “woman” anymore Not long ago everybody knew what the words “sex” and “woman” meant. Now we have a Justice of the Supreme Court who said in her confirmation hearing, with a straight face, that she could not say what a “woman”” is because she is not a biologist. How can women’s rights be defended by jurists who cannot define “woman?”

Albany cannot define “gender identity” but wants to make it a protected class. All legislation begins with definitions of the terms used in the proposed law. In 2019, when Albany passed the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA), “gender identity” was defined as, ‘The  term "gender identity or expression" means a person's actual or perceived gender-related identity,’ This is the equivalent of, “The meaning of “dog” is “dog.”  Most of us know by 4th grade that a word cannot be defined using the same word in the definition. But not our legislature. The result gives the Court free rein to define “gender” and other terms included in Prop 1 however they wish. 

Prop One authors are extreme enemies of parents Prop 1 Senate sponsor Liz Krueger (D-East Midtown is the author of S6103 which would allow 14-year-olds to be given any vaccine without parental consent. Assembly sponsor, Assemblymember Rebecca Seawright)is a sponsor of Assembly bill A6761 which would allow ANY medical procedure to be done to a child without parental knowledge or consent.

Prop 1 does not mention “abortion.” Prop 1 proponents claim that Prop1 is necessary to keep abortion legal in New York, but the word “abortion” isn’t even mentioned in Proposal 1. New York already has some of the most permissive and broadest abortion laws of any state. Abortion has been legal in New York since 1970, preceding Roe v. Wade by three years. Access to abortion in New York was greatly expanded in 2019 with the passage of the Reproductive Health Act with supermajorities in both houses, which allows abortion in the third trimester for any reason, and repealed the legal requirement that medical care be provided to children who survived an abortion.  Abortion is in no danger in New York.


These are just some of the issues that Prop 1 will open if it passes.




Proposals are on the back of the ballot. 

Be sure to flip your ballot over and VOTE NO.

Bus from Long Island to 

Rescue the Republic 

Washington DC,

Sunday, Sept. 29

We have a bus going from Long Island to Washington DC this Sunday, September 29, for the Rescue the Republic event at the Washington Monument!

The bus will leave from the Whole Foods parking lot in Jericho, 429 N Broadway, Jericho, NY 11753-2106 at 7:00 am sharp!

The bus will leave from Washington DC at 5 pm sharp. 

The cost is $100 which you can pay via a donation to the Autism Action Network HERE

We must meet a minimum number of people, so do not delay if you want to go, get your seat NOW!

Donald Trump: Convince Us.

In the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, the issues of vaccine safety and rights, the chronic disease epidemic, drug industry and regulatory agency corruption, and autism, issues at the core of the mission of the Autism Action Network, were not mentioned by either candidate.

There is no reason to expect Harris to talk about these topics that are now taboo for almost all Democrats. But Trump recently forged an alliance with former presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., in large part specifically to talk about these issues, and they coined the slogan “Make America Healthy Again” to market them. 

Yet there was silence at the debate on Trump’s part as well. He bragged about his disastrous handling of the COVID debacle, even saying he deserves more credit for his efforts to produce ventilators, even though the death rate for COVID patients placed on ventilators was more than 90%.

Granted, the questions asked were selected by ABC talking heads, but both candidates seemed to have no problem pulling in whatever issue they wanted to talk about regardless of the question asked during what may be the only debate before the election. 

Neither the Trump nor Harris campaign websites mention these issues. Again, there is no reason to expect anything on Harris’ website, but the absence on Trump’s is troubling. 

Trump almost never talks about details, but we do expect him to talk about the issues, and talk frequently, and loudly enough to understand what he intends to do, what we can expect, and when. 

Understanding what Trump intends to do and when is critical to voters. Especially voters like me, who decided long ago that I was going to vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. But voting for Kennedy is no longer an option. 

Eighteen months ago, I began working at a federal Super PAC I co-founded to elect Robert F. Kennedy Jr as the next president of the United States. I have known Kennedy for almost 20 years and have worked with him on many projects and campaigns. I know him to be a man of courage, generosity, compassion, daunting intelligence, and intellectual integrity. In the spring of 2023, Kennedy was polling at around 20%, and he looked like a real contender. But recently, Kennedy took a look at the numbers, and the possible ramifications of remaining in the race, and decided to suspend his campaign, and encouraged his supporters to vote for Donald Trump.

Kennedy has said his decision followed extensive discussions with Trump that convinced him that there are many areas of policy where they share a common vision, and others where Kennedy believes Trump would move in Kennedy’s direction. Trump appointed Kennedy to his transition team and says he would have a significant role in his administration. 

Now Kennedy has asked his supporters to vote for Trump. For people concerned about autism, and vaccine safety and rights that is a tall order. 

We have been here before. In 2016 Trump met with many leading figures in the vaccine rights world, including Kennedy, and said all the right things. Trump made statements expressing his concern about the safety of the vaccine schedule in the US and his belief that vaccines could cause autism.  Trump made plans to create a special federal vaccine safety commission to be headed by Kennedy. 

Many people concerned about these issues voted for Trump because of the expectation of real reform. But they were bitterly disappointed. After inauguration, the vaccine safety commission petered out. Trump did nothing to reform the vaccine industry and the federal regulatory agencies that oversee it. Trump appointed drug industry insiders like Scott Gottlieb and Alex Azar to head major regulatory agencies. Trump did nothing to improve individual or parental choice over vaccines. And it all culminated in the disastrous response to COVID when the swamp creatures like Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins completely dominated Trump in making policy. Trump’s track record on medical freedom issues is awful. 

While involving Kennedy in his campaign and potentially giving him a major role in his second administration, if there is one, is promising, we have seen this rodeo before. 

If Trump wants our votes, he needs to consistently, loudly and clearly support specific proposals with a timetable. What are you going to and when?

So far, Trump has not been impressive. Trump has said repeatedly that he opposes “mandates,” but campaign staffers recently clarified that he is referring to mandates for COVID shots only. 

Big deal. When Trump was President he said COVID shots would be voluntary, but did nothing to make sure that was the case.

The courts have already shot down almost all the Biden/Harris mandates and nobody is getting the COVID shot anymore. Every time a new booster comes out, uptake drops by another 50% and even the CDC’s numbers, which are probably wildly exaggerated, are in the single digits.

COVID has shown the world that the vaccine industry, the captured federal regulatory agencies, and the public health apparatus are enormously corrupt, authoritarian and ineffective. We all know Kennedy knows what to do. But will Trump, if he is elected, use his political capital to make those changes happen?

As George W. Bush once said, “Fool me once - shame on - shame on you, Fool me - can’t get fooled again.”

Donald Trump: Convince us.

NY: Vote NO on Prop 1!

Click on the links below to


NY Proposal 1

NY Urgent: Take action on Prop 1 "Parent Replacement Act" ballot description

Bad Bills

NY Take Action: Stop A995c/S2445c: NY Take Action: Physician assisted suicide threatens people with autism

NY Take Action: Stop S1531, the mandatory adult vax database. What will they do with your info?

NY Take Action: Stop A6761/S8352, Eliminates your right to even know what is done medically to your children

NY Take Action: Stop A276b/S762a, Stop STI shots and drugs for children without parental consent

NY Take Action: Stop A995a/A2445a, Physician assisted suicide threatens people with autism and developmental disabilities

NY Take Action: Oppose S6103, No Vaccines for 14-year-olds without parental consent

NY Take Action: Oppose A2125/S8113, No repeal of religious exemptions from vaccine mandates for work or college

NY Take Action: Oppose A1811/S1945, No Flu Shots to Attend School

NY Take Action: Oppose A2905, NYS Health Dept. should not make medical exemption decisions

NY: Stop S624, No mandatory COVID shots for college students



NY Take Action: Pass A7004/S7580, People with Disabilities have a Right to 911 Emergency Services

NY Undo the Damage: Pass A6676/S118 Restore the religious exemption from vax mandates for school

NY State Take Action: Pass S7466a/A9196, Let NYC employees fired for refusing the COVID shot return to work

NY Take Action: Support S5715/A4460, Requires a parent to be present when a vax is administered

NY Take Action: Support S4316/A6451, Restore the right to sue for vaccine injuries

NY Take Action: Support A3997/S1636, Prohibit mandatory COVID shots for Work and College

NY Take Action: Support S7168, Stop school districts from making medical decisions that New York law says should be made by children's physicians.

NYC TAKE ACTION! Pass Resolution 5 in the New York City Council to support reinstating all Fired Unvaccinated Workers



The NY bill to allow any medical procedure to be done to any child of any age without parental permission is DEAD for this year!

Good news! S8352 is Dead! This is the bill that would allow any medical procedure to be done to any minor of any age without parental knowledge or consent.

Yesterday it appeared on the NY Senate website that the bill was "stricken" which means the bill's sponsor Sen. Rachel May (D-Syracuse) pulled the bill. 

Without a Senate bill this cannot become law and it is likely that the Assembly will take no action during the time that remains in this session (wraps up on June 6.) This also means that the other bill that attacks parental consent,  A276a/S762b, is probably dead in the water too. 

Interesting that this happen three business days after we appeared in Albany in force. I also think that it shows that when we have a politically broad spectrum of people form all around the state we can get results in Albany. 

The big threat now on vaccine rights in Albany is S1531, the bill to make the adult vaccine database mandatory. Stay tuned.

Thank you to all who came to Albany for the 

Vaccine and Human Rights Action Day on 1/23!

Thank you to everyone who made it to Albany yesterday for the Vaccine and Human Rights Action Day! Hundreds of meetings were held with legislators and their staff, and thousands of letters were delivered.  

After three years of being locked out of the buildings, getting past the threshold, and talking to the legislators and their staff will be crucial to stopping the many bad bills, and possibly moving some good bills forward. The threats are many and growing.

Just yesterday we learned that Senator Rachel May (D-Syracuse) had introduced Senate Bill S8352, a companion bill for Assemblymember Karines Reyes’ (D-Bronx) A6761, the bill we call, “The worst children’s health bill ever.”  S8352/A6761 would allow any medical procedure: drugs, vaccines, dentistry, hospitalization, even surgery, to be done to minors of any age without parental knowledge or consent, and Medicaid would automatically pay for it. It repeals our most fundamental right as parents. 

Your active engagement with the legislators is essential for our success. There are more than 60 legislators who are new since 2019. We need to educate them. Many legislators badly need educating, some are still requiring people to wear masks in their offices. Sen. Zellnor Myrie, Sen. Roxanne Persaud, and Assemblymember Aileen Gunther still have signs on their office doors requiring all who enter to wear a face mask. These are the people making health decisions for you and your children. 

Thank you again to all who schlepped to Albany on a cold winter day, and to those who provided support from home. 

If you support the work of the Autism Action Network, please make it possible to stay in the fight by DONATING HERE.

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